Miyerkules, Setyembre 30, 2015


Come back of Sum-41's Deryck Whibley 

                                             photo by Deryck Whibley

        The sum 41 fell down several years because of the their front man Deryck Whibley's liver and kidney collapsed from serious alcohol abuse. And a lot of stress of his tough life style and massive tour he gets her fake energy to alcohol to wake him up to give great party for his millions of fans. His alcoholism escalated when he started trying to get away his hangovers, eventually collapsing at his home. Whibley was immediately induced in coma and sedated for a week, partly so his body could handle substance withdrawal. The doctors said that he was lucky to be alive and that there was still a chance he could die. Over the next few months, complications arose as he began recovery, including internal bleeding and muscle atrophy.

As the last shareholder of 2000's pop-punk dynasty, Deryck plans to continue his carreer as best as he can. Sum 41 is recording tracks for their sixth studio album this month and the management is currently planning for a tour.

Soul of Music

Soul of Music

         Music is everywhere, music is anywhere. We listen to music depending on what our taste like. Some of music are composed of some artists were true to life, they express themselves through music. It's just one way of telling that music where inevitable. Through music we can communicate, because everyone relates. We can learn through music, we can get idea through music, and without music is quite boring. If one person appreciate music, it means he like it. And as the saying says "A house without music is like a body without soul".

How the Music Colonized the Human Culture

How the Music Colonized the Human Culture

                            image source: msjaimesmusicstudio.com

                    The only thing in life that is constant is change. We face up different changes in our society and most especially in the line of music, go back to the history people use music solemnly and full of heart. They play it with deep emotional meaning and sincerity, but today in the modern time old music starts to fade and new genre of music start to invade our lives. This music seems to be wild and freestyle that can be classified to the taste of the teenagers. But still there are people that produces original music and style our ancestors produced. We can say that music is contagious because is one person is not fond into music but if he listen then, he has the reason to like it though. Because it seems interesting.

                                image source: www.thepipingcentre.co.uk

Martes, Setyembre 29, 2015

Music At Beginning and Now

Music: At Beginning and Now

Music is widely used in our world since ancient time. Music is the bases of their culture and beliefs. Music in old times used to ceremonies, sacrifices, giving honor to their mightiest tribe and ethnic way of praising their creator. They used indigenous kind of instruments like drums. Primitive people used music for their communication in far distances when their hunting animals they used primitive horns to create sound to know and warn the other member of the group and giving a command for the next move. History tells that the music is the great factor on how the people evolved in terms of culture and communication and also in entertainment. Music shape the civilization of many kind of human races with different kind of techniques on how music delivered.

Until now music is very popular all over the world. Music widely spread by new technology in this modern time. Many artist in different side of the world created a new kind of delivering a music which is now very popular in the field of entertainment. Music is crowd creator. Music with different styles and genre who can gather the people, come in one place for fun and wild party. No one can deny that the music is the biggest part of a person. Music also can speak the emotions, a therapy to those who are getting down, to lift up determination and a companion for those who are alone. Music is everything, it lives to our soul and communicating through our heart.